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Peach House Wallpaper

I have been itching to add some wallpaper to the Peach House! The back bedroom seemed like the perfect place because we already had the thick, colorful trim.

The room had improved so much from when we purchased the home in May 2023. Along with the wallpaper, we also added a wall to the room. I’m not sure what would have been in this room when the home was built in the late 1800s, but this room connected to the kitchen in a back staircase.

We gave up some light to the bedroom, but made major gains in privacy! And we removed the door at the bottom on the stairs.

We found an original door in the attic and were able to use that to create a pocket door (on the right below).

The paper is Sandberg Wallpaper (Estelle in Teal). Our peach trim really makes its look more blue and less green.

We carried the Peach from the trim to the bathroom tub.