Airbnbing Your Home

10 things that helped up airbnb our home /

If you had told me that we would Airbnb our personal residence, I don’t know if I would have believed you. I liked the income potential, but I had a lot of reservations about opening up our home and trusting other people I didn’t know with my home and belongings.

I can share more on how we finally decided to Airbnb our home if anyone is curious…the short of it is AirBnb does support the people that rent through them and we have had mostly positive experiences with guests, but we have had even more positive interactions with Airbnb as a company.

our entryway /

We are now airbnbing our second home. We did this when we lived in Massachusetts and now we are in Virginia doing it again. Our plan was to rent out our basement, but the construction has taken longer than expected.

So plan B. We are renting our entire personal residence. If you would like to see the listing, here is our listing if you are curious.

So here are 10 quick things that helped up Airbnb our home.

Click the Button below to view the PDF.

If you have questions feel free to leave them in the comments or find me on instagram and send me a dm.