A Case for the 12 Days of Christmas


Last year, I learned about the 12 days of Christmas and what they really meant. They were actually a real thing - meant to be celebrated and not just “12 days of deals” or something like that you see featured before Christmas. As I have learned more about them - I have felt they are an important thing our rushed society needs.

I am not an expert on the 12 days of Christmas and there really is not that much information on the internet about them, but I’ll share what I know and why I see them as important. If you grew up in this tradition, feel free to chime in with info. I am trying to more about how to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas.

Unlike all the promotions you have see for the 12 days of Christmas prior to the holiday, the 12 days start on December 25th and last until January 5th. Some traditions call it the twelvetide and it signifies Jesus’ birth on the 25th and the magi (wise men) coming to him on the 5th (12 days later).

Why do the 12 days make so much more sense than starting to celebrate Christmas on November 1st?

I really love Christmas and I understand why everyone wants to jump the gun, but our society has skipped Thanksgiving (which is a pretty great holiday) and then on 12/26 everything Christmas comes to a total hault, which is depressing, especially in areas where you have 4 or 5 months of winter left. I am guessing I’m not the only one that has felt this way. Go to Target on December 26th and all the Christmas things are marked down. Go a few days later and spring is being promoted. Sure, maybe you live in the South and its not that cold anyway…but are you really ready for spring?

Starting to celebrate on the 25th of December gives you 12 days to enjoy Christmas during winter instead of having to squeeze it in the fall. I hope I’m making sense because that makes a lot of sense to me.

Advent, the four weeks before Christmas are really meant for preparing for Christmas instead of celebrating as if its already here. And really that’s what I am usually doing during advent…maybe not as much in spiritual sense as much as I would like. But I am usually making preparations for the holiday

So, how can I do celebrate the 12 days of Christmas?

The main idea is - keep celebrating and enjoying Christmas! Instead of feeling like you have to celebrate it all in early December and on the 25th…keep listening to Christmas music, keep baking cookies, keep watching Christmas movies, keep enjoying time with family…

More: I have not found very much information, but this article was helpful with some ideas on how to celebrate.


Other thoughts:

  • In Italy, my understanding is most presents are not exchanged until the epiphany. I just thought that was interesting. The main thing in my head is - we open almost presents on Christmas and we really could spread some out of the 12 days to extend the celebration.

  • The 12 days of Christmas helps to clarify the season. It doesn’t have to be this confusing thing of - when should I take down the decorations? This gives you some direction. Take them down on January 7th.

  • More on the 12 days of Christmas

What do the 12 days actually mean?

The pairings go like this (from the artofsimple.com)

  • A partridge in a pear tree: Jesus

  • Two turtle doves: The Old and New Testaments

  • Three French hens: Faith, hope, and love

  • Four calling birds: The Four Gospels

  • Five gold rings: The Torah/Pentateuch, first five books of the Old Testament

  • Six geese a-laying: The six days of Creation

  • Seven swans a-swimming: Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit

  • Eight maids a-milking: Eight Beatitudes

  • Nine ladies dancing: Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit

  • Ten lords a-leaping: The Ten Commandments

  • Eleven pipers piping: The eleven faithful apostles

  • Twelve drummers drumming: Twelve points of the Apostles Creed

One idea I saw online was you could help your kids memorize this.

SO, that’s the gist. On year two of celebrating the 12 days of Christmas, I am learning more and becoming more passionate about why this is so important and makes so much more sense than celebrating early November. I hope this will help you too.