what i am loving lately

**this post does contain some affiliate links, which i may earn a small commission if you use a link i share. i promise to only share things that i truly enjoy + appreciate you supporting my creative work.

Bear with me. I have not had child care in months and my kids are back in school for a couple days a week!! I’m just a little excited!! Can I get an amen?!

I thought I’d round up some of my favorite things lately.

I bought Kendra Adachi’s book and I kind of wavered on if I needed it or not. I listen to her podcast regularly, but I also really like her as a human being and wanted to support her. I am so glad I did. It’s a delightful read (I’m trying to slowly work through it to apply it so I’m not done), but I highly recommend the first several chapters enough to say I think you’ll like it too!

the lazy genius book / kendra adachi

Speaking of children…we are doing a hybrid school this year & I am LOVING the Toddleroo Ultimate Superyard by North States. We had the same one when Judah was little and it was a lifesaver!


Evie is to that fun stage where she can really not be trusted alone for a minute. I’m sure other parents of older kids remember that stage. You can’t go to the bathroom alone. You can’t unload the groceries and now that I have my older kids home more, I needed something to help keep her safe as I’m doing some school work with the older kids.

The Toddleroo Superyard Ultimate gives me a safe place to put her so I can focus on Judah & Carter and still know she is safe. I linked here here at Target and for more options on the North States website.

AND Speaking of back to school - I wanted to finish the kids’ room this summer since we are home so much. Since it’ll almost September and they are back in school, I guess this is a good time to finish. We resurrected the “magic light trick” by Nesting with Grace and am so happy we did. If you want a sconce somewhere, but do not have the capability to add electricity - try this! Linking the super quick tutorial here.

how to hang a sconce with no electricity

TUTORIAL HERE. Here is the LIGHTS we used. Here is the SCONCE.

In other news, my daughter dropped her mask in the toilet at school - so PSA - you may want to pack more than one. I love these for her because they are fun.

Thanks for being here!