Choosing a Rug: 3 tips!

Choosing a Rug: 3 tips!

Because we have been renovating a large home and have a couple Airbnbs, we have a had to make a lot of rug choices. I thought it might be helpful to highlight some tips on choosing a rug.

I have heard people say when designing a room - start with the rug! I can honestly say - I have never done this, but I can see how this would be helpful. We usually pick paint first because we have to and then don’t want paint dripping on your new rug. However, no matter how much you look online - it is hard to tell how a rug will look with certain colors until its actually there.

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Family Room

Family Room

I am really grateful for our house and also a little overwhelmed by its size. Mind you, we have lived most recently in a 1,200 square ft house and then a 1,500 square foot house. This 3,000 square foot house feels like a palace…and sometimes too much space.

BUT did I mention, I am still grateful to be working on a family room space and have multiple rooms that we can purpose different ways?

This room sits right off our our kitchen and dining room and a week ago it looked like this…

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