#118 - Silver & Goals

goal setting with one delightful podcast // onedelightfulshop.com

(already a subscriber? head to the printables library to download your goal guide!)

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  We would be honored if you would share it with a friend you think would like it. Send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

This holiday our shop is partnering with Route 1 ministry. For every pair of earrings we sell, we give one to a woman in our community that is in need. Shop now!

On this week's show, we are talking about GOALS - yay!


katie’s planner choice for 2019 / nomatic planner

miracle morning book

entreleadership podcast about goal planning retreat

5 shows to binge watch…

  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (amazon prime)

  • Dirty John (Bravo)

  • Homecoming (amazon prime)

  • Restored by the Fords (HGTV)

  • Wild, Wild Country (Netflix)

Want to support our little podcast? We would be so grateful if you would leave us a review & rating…and you can support us using our amazon affiliate link & we will highlight our favorite item each week!

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#115 - How to Know When to Say 'No'

How to Know When to Say ‘No’ [One Delightful Podcast #115]

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  We would be honored if you would share it with a friend you think would like it. Send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

This holiday our shop is partnering with Route 1 ministry. For every pair of earrings we sell, we give one to a woman in our community that is in need. Shop now!

Do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ to way too many things? I know I do! Why is this? Some of it is guilt about not being a better parent/business owner/human being …. some of it is being a people pleaser …. some of it is wanting to feel valuable or needed …. and sometimes its just good old FOMO. Enough!

On this week’s show, we talk about a 3 step filter you can use with any decision to help figure out whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for good reasons. Listen in to find out more!

what do you recommend???

katie: removable wallpaper / katie’s post https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpu2Zsrg93q/

philip: dude perfect

Want to support our little podcast? We would be so grateful if you would leave us a review & rating…and you can support us using our amazon affiliate link & we will highlight our favorite item each week!

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#114 - 6 ways to get through the holidays without punching someone in the face

six tips to get through the holidays without punching someone in the face / one delightful podcast

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  We would be honored if you would share it with a friend you think would like it. Send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

On this week's show, a special and very Canadian announcement, we talk about 6 ways we're trying to make this holiday season great, and we end with what do you recommend.

This holiday our shop is partnering with Route 1 ministry. For every pair of earrings we sell, we give one to a woman in our community that is in need. Shop now!

what do you recommend?

Katie: Making of a murderer part one and two on Netflix

Philip: French press


  • Plan! Look at your schedule. We have a weekly meeting to look at our calendars, but this is especially true at the holidays.  // what’s a word you are centering on for the holidays? 105 - prioritizing priorities

  • Christmas Bucket List

  • Decorate for the winter not just christmas!

  • Shop early. He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice.

    • Maybe you want to make amazon lists at the year goes on to add things as you think of it.

    • The last minute guilt gift purchases are usually the worst & expensive.

    • Think about feb when you give

  • Sabbath; REST. one day!  - resource: Kendra at the Lazy Genius.

  • 12 days of Christmas!!! What if Christmas Day wasn’t the end of the celebration but just the beginning - that’s what this is all about. I always feel guilty about not feeling Christmasy enough come Christmas - and I hate how it is supposed to be done early. I think we have it wrong. https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/12daysofchristmas.shtml

Want to support our little podcast? We would be so grateful if you would leave us a review & rating…and you can support us using our amazon affiliate link & we will highlight our favorite item each week!

#113 - Let's Talk About Side Hustles

side hustles / being an entrepreneur / one delightful podcast

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  We would be honored if you would share it with a friend you think would like it. Send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

On today’s show, we check in with what’s the word, have a discussion about side-hustles: what are they and what have we learned through our many ups and downs with them, and end with a business podcast edition of what do you recommend.

Business Podcasts we recommend:

Katie: Goal Digger - Jenna Kutcher, Jennifer Allwood

Philip: How I Built This, Online Marketing Made Easy, & Start-up

Find Katie’s review of how mornings have been for her lately on instagram.

you can support us by using our amazon affiliate link…woo hoo!

let’s connect! email us: onedelightfulshop@gmail.com

#112 - Can a night owl become a joyful morning person?

can a night owl become a joyful morning person? // one delightful shop / www.onedelightfulshop.com

Support our podcast by using our affiliate link: https://onedelightfulshop.com/amazon/

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

On this week's episode, we'll talk about why mornings are hard and propose a plan to make them better, and we'll end with what do you recommend.


gretchen rubin - better than before

the miracle morning - hal elrod

what do you recommend?

  • philip: Norm MacDonald Has a Show on Netflix

  • katie: Fitbit (especially with the new updates) & katie’s favorite bands ( 1 / 2 )

Can someone who is not so good in the mornings (ever) become a morning person? Is it possible to change something that feels fundamental to your makeup like this? We sure hope so. For the next few weeks, Katie is going to try to go from morning zero to morning hero. Listen in to find out more!

Support us by using our amazon affiliate link:

let’s connect! email us: onedelightfulshop@gmail.com

#111 - 5 Ways That Simplifying has Made our Lives Better

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Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

listen on itunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!  send us a screenshot of your review (onedelightfulshop@gmail.com) to get a coupon code for 20% off your next order!

On this week's episode, we check in with 'What's the Word', talk about 5 ways that simplifying is making our lives better now that we're a few months into the simplicity experiment, and end with 'What Do You Recommend?'.


These awesome leather poufs!

our printable library

&&& shop our favorite things.

what do you recommend?

let’s connect! email us: onedelightfulshop@gmail.com

Ladies and Gentlemen, life has actually gotten better since we started the simplicity experiment! Listen in to hear the top 5 ways this has been true!

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you can support us by using our amazon affiliate link - thank you so much!!

#105 - Prioritizing Your Priorities

Prioritizing your Priorities // One Delightful Podcast

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on iTunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!

On this week’s episode along with checking in + a segment we're calling 'Allowance High/Low', we start a conversation about prioritizing our priorities.

Another fall ... its coming ... again ...

The start of fall feels like a mini-New Years.  Starting a new calendar, starting school, work picks back up, heck, life picks back up. 

If you're anything like us, you enter a new season with good intentions.  "This fall everything is going to be different.  I'm going to get up early, make breakfast everyday, exercise consistently, be present for my kids when they get home or with my husband in the evening.  I'm going to clean.  I'm joining a book club, no, I'm starting a book club, no, I'M GOING TO WRITE A BOOK!"

But ... before the leaves start to change, the good intentions have gone out the window and the new season feels like all the ones that have come before: busyness, stress, tired, too many nights out.  Too much to do and not enough time to do it.

Why does this happen?  Why, when we want so bad for things to be different, when we want so bad for what's important to take center stage, does it feel like we just can't make change happen?  There are probably a bunch of different reasons, but in our lives there are 2 main culprits.

  1. We try to change too much at once. It's hard to go from 0-60 when it comes to making our lives more like what we want them to be like. It's like being handed a 200lb weight to carry around when you're not used to carrying anything. No wonder attempts at new habits get dropped so quickly.

  2. We spend time scheduling in what we have to do / need to do / feel obligated to do and think that the stuff that matters will happen in the in-between times if we do a good job scheduling everything else.

But, what actually ends up happening is the stuff that matters most to us (think faith, family, friends - all the big 'f's'), ends up getting squeezed out because we're either too tired from everything else or don't have the margin in our schedules for it to happen.

how we spend our days is of course, how we spend our lives - annie dillard

This fall, we invite you into our journey of trying to do it different.  This fall, we're going to 'Prioritize our Priorities'.  We are going to try to put what's most important in the schedule first to make sure that if something gets dropped, its not going to be our top-priorities.  Annie Dillard says, "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives."  Here's to making our days something we can be proud of.

Here's our plan to start:

  1. In the next week, we are going to sit down and decide what our top priorities are in life (think big stuff, like the Big F's, taking care of ourselves, helping other people, etc.).

  2. For each priority, we're going to set just 1 goal for how we want to see it improve/move more to center stage this next season.

  3. We'll put each priority in the calendar - no more leaving the most important stuff in the margins.

Why just 1 goal?  Einstein (maybe) says that the definition of insanity is trying to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  When we try to change too much at once it has always set us up for failure - how about you?  So, we're starting small and hoping that a few small things, done consistently, will result in big changes over time.

We’re in a ton of transition in our life with work, we could get a call about a baby we could adopt any day … and we’ve traditionally been really bad at this.  So, if nothing else, we hope that looking in on our journey can be entertaining for you as we try to hack our way through this.

How does fall feel for you?  

Do you know what your priorities are?  

What if this fall you created some peace for yourself by knowing what was important and having at least one way you were going to make what’s most important a priority this next season? 

Find our worksheet on priorities to get started. 


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Do you prioritize your priorities? // One Delightful Podcast

support our podcast by using our affiliate link…thank you!! xo

#104 - How to Declutter Anything Pt. 3 + Hum That Hook

how to declutter anything pt. 3

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

Listen on iTunes by clicking here & don't forget to subscribe + leave a rating/review!

On this week’s episode along with checking in + a segment we're calling 'Hum That Hook', we conclude our conversation about how to declutter literally anything.

Did you know that there is a link between clutter in our lives and lack of focus?  THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH TO US!

how to declutter anything

We are in a period of life that is hard:  we are both transitioning into starting a business while also trying to parent an always on the go 6 year old and a 4 year old who treats us like short order cooks.  When she's hungry, we just hear, "Cheerios, Now."  Yikes (although we do prefer that to, 'WIPE ME', which also happens).   This season of life is rough for us.  

Some of you (single, married w/out kids) are probably tired of people with kids telling you about how much harder their life is than yours ... especially when you feel like you are up to your eyeballs in the crazy already.  I (Philip) remember how that feels, being single, or being newly married, and feeling like I could barely breathe at times b/c life felt so overwhelming.  Having kids does make life more difficult (and I guess you just somehow figure out how to figure it out), but the moral is: EVERY season of life is hard and has its challenges.

But, the moral of this story is also that with so many other factors converging on us that make it hard to give the love and attention to each other and our kids that we want to give ... if clutter is making it even harder to focus then it HAS TO GO.  Seriously, if life is hard enough already and all the extraneous stuff in our life is just making it harder to focus on what matters, then it has to go!

This is why we're talking about decluttering and think its important.  We start with decluttering stuff because its the most tangible, and maybe piling up some small wins with stuff will motivate us to declutter bigger things ... like our schedule, use of technology, how much HGTV we watch (ouch ... hits too close to home). 

Decluttering:  an easy process that's not that easy.  Make sure and check out the last 2 podcasts so you don't miss any part of the conversation!  The last 2 weeks, we talked about first, getting the decluttering process started by choosing a space and emptying it out, and then second, how to sort through what you've emptied to decide what stays and what goes.  This week, we'll talk how to put the stuff back and finish up the decluttering process.  The big obstacle at this point of your decluttering journey is figuring out how to put things back in a way that is going to make life better than it was before ... not just shoving it back in a way that will result in it turning into a train wreck again within 36 hours.  

Here are a few tips:

  • Clean out the space once you have emptied it.  I never think about this but it always feels amazing when I do.

  • Begin with the end in mind (that's a little Steven Covey for you). Put the things from your 'Keep' pile back in an organized way that reflects how you'll use the things.

    • For example: Shirts in a drawer. You typically stack them one on top of another. But do you use the drawer like that? Probably not. Why not fold them in a way where you can arrange them in rows. It lets you see what you have and allows you to take shirts out and put them away in a way that helps them to stay looking nice and in order.

  • Shop your house (I got this from The Nesting Place). There is a strong urge at the end of the decluttering process to go right to Target and buy a ton of baskets and organizational stuff. Fight the urge! Is there something you already have in your house that could work for this space? This saves you money and helps you to insert your personal style back into your space.

    • But ... if you do want to give yourself a little treat at the end for a job well done, who can blame you? I got myself these awesome fake plants (finally a plant that I can't kill!).

So that's it - the end of our three week deep dive into how to declutter literally anything.  

And now, what are you waiting for?  It's time to pick a space and get started!  Living around clutter is robbing you of time, is killing your focus, + might even be causing low-level anxiety and depression in your life.  It's time to say, 'Enough!', to clutter getting in the way of things that matter in your life.

What do you recommend?

other mentions: 


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