#115 - How to Know When to Say 'No'

How to Know When to Say ‘No’ [One Delightful Podcast #115]

Welcome to the One Delightful Podcast where we are on a journey to simplify life to create space for what matters.  And trust us, if we can do it - anyone can!

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Do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ to way too many things? I know I do! Why is this? Some of it is guilt about not being a better parent/business owner/human being …. some of it is being a people pleaser …. some of it is wanting to feel valuable or needed …. and sometimes its just good old FOMO. Enough!

On this week’s show, we talk about a 3 step filter you can use with any decision to help figure out whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for good reasons. Listen in to find out more!

what do you recommend???

katie: removable wallpaper / katie’s post https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpu2Zsrg93q/

philip: dude perfect

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