a slow renovation: our downstairs bathroom

a slow renovation: our downstairs bathroom

These pictures are a reminder to me of how far we have come in renovating our home, but it also reminds me that going slow is not a bad thing and can be helpful to the design process.

We moved in to our house and the first floor bathroom looked like this…Except the paneling was dark wood (we painted that before I took a picture.)

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How we renovate on a budget

How we renovate on a budget

Someone dm’ed me on instagram and asked if I would share about how we have been able to renovate our home while pinching some pennies. My words…she didn’t actually say pinching pennies.

This is how we have done every house we have renovated, really. This is our fourth house and 3rd fixer upper. My husband is a five on the enneagram and so basically is always in fear that we need to save money and not spend anything, and as a result, we have learned to do a lot ourselves and tried to find ways to have high end design on a low-medium budget. For most of our lives, we have done this on a small ministry budget and we just are careful about how we spend money.

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