I have always loved this quote, but in life the season I’m in, it resonates with me more than it has before. Maybe it’s a quarter-life crisis, but instead of being satisfied with wondering what could have been - we are choosing to pursue our hearts.
Do you ever wonder what might have happened if you took a different road?
And then maybe you start to fixate on - why did I not do this years ago?
In college, I wanted to study graphic design, but the application process was confusing & I didn’t take any art classes in high school (another thing I regret - why did I pick band instead??).
When we were first married (2008), I decided I wanted to open some sort of creative shop & opened a jewelry business, which still exists. I wanted to do something with homes, but fear always kept me back from trying.
I have always loved houses - especially old houses. I know they can be impractical, but I love the stories behind them, the worn wood floors lasting over years and years.
One of the ways we are shifting is changing our business to fit our hearts. In our shop - I create designs that remind you to live for and enjoy what’s most important in life.
But we are also taking a leap of faith & adding a design business to our company, One Delightful. Our hope is to run a business that helps you create spaces in your home that help you to enjoy what matters most in life. More time for playing, hugging, and appreciating the beauty of it all. Less time spent overwhelmed, cleaning up the clutter, and wishing things could be different. My design style is unpretentious, eclectic, functional, yet beautiful. I love using old pieces from my home that have a history, but incorporating the new, too. I’m the creative brain of our projects & my husband, Philip, is often the voice of reason and the self-taught handyman, helping to bring the dreams to reality.
Our 1900’s beach house got a huge facelift!