10 awesome target finds

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one of my spiritual gifts if shopping. so i am highlighting some of my favorite finds this week!

click the image to shop.

**some are affiliate links - thank you for supporting us in a little way that will cost you no extra.

Magic Light Trick

I got this idea from the lovely Brooke of Nesting with Grace.

The basics! No electricity is needed for this sconce.

The caveat - not a TON of light - but adds a little light & a nice aesthetic.


This is what you’ll need:

  • Drill to Hang the light

  • Puck Lights like these ( & batteries)

  • A light like this (this is the one pictured - and an awesome value! Here are some of my favorite Amazon lights - you’ll want a sconce that does not have a cord to plug in. You’ll want to make sure you cannot see the light bulb because you are going to be using a puck light instead.

Beyond that - instead of the light bulb - you will attach the puck light with a 3m strip - usually included like this.


You will not need any of the electrical wires - you’ll just tuck these in and attach the light as you would hang a picture frame since no electricity is required.

Let me know if you have questions!

one wild + precious life

Philip + Katie Bowling / one delightful creative

I have always loved this quote, but in life the season I’m in, it resonates with me more than it has before. Maybe it’s a quarter-life crisis, but instead of being satisfied with wondering what could have been - we are choosing to pursue our hearts.

Do you ever wonder what might have happened if you took a different road?

And then maybe you start to fixate on - why did I not do this years ago?

In college, I wanted to study graphic design, but the application process was confusing & I didn’t take any art classes in high school (another thing I regret - why did I pick band instead??).

When we were first married (2008), I decided I wanted to open some sort of creative shop & opened a jewelry business, which still exists. I wanted to do something with homes, but fear always kept me back from trying.

I have always loved houses - especially old houses. I know they can be impractical, but I love the stories behind them, the worn wood floors lasting over years and years.

One of the ways we are shifting is changing our business to fit our hearts. In our shop - I create designs that remind you to live for and enjoy what’s most important in life.

But we are also taking a leap of faith & adding a design business to our company, One Delightful. Our hope is to run a business that helps you create spaces in your home that help you to enjoy what matters most in life. More time for playing, hugging, and appreciating the beauty of it all. Less time spent overwhelmed, cleaning up the clutter, and wishing things could be different. My design style is unpretentious, eclectic, functional, yet beautiful. I love using old pieces from my home that have a history, but incorporating the new, too. I’m the creative brain of our projects & my husband, Philip, is often the voice of reason and the self-taught handyman, helping to bring the dreams to reality.

buffalo check wallpaper + vintage rug / one delightful home / onedelightfulcreative.com

We have loved renovating our three homes with our little people in tow. Our kids have taught us already that babies don’t stay small forever & that now is the best time to create a life and home that creates space for what matters most. They have also taught me that visual clutter really wears on me - & that creating a beautiful space is good for my well-being. We’ve started to see how amazing beautifully designed, simple spaces can be in helping to remind us to live the kind of life we want. We would love to help do the same for you!

  • Help bring the dreams you’ve pinned on Pinterest into reality through online or in-person home design that will make your spaces more functional, simple, and beautiful.

  • Create custom, hand-lettered designs for your home + business that will remind you about the things in life that matter most.

  • Shop our current selections of hand-crafted prints at One Delightful Shop!

cozy living room / onedelightfulcreative.com
get access to our creative library.png

The Painted Piano


We (errr…I) finally decided to paint my hand-me-down family piano. I am so grateful for the gift of our family piano - but I always wished it fit my aesthetic is a little more.

There are lots of reasons not to paint a piano. It may distort the tuning is the main one I know of. We have not followed most piano rules - we keep our piano on an exterior wall & haven’t had it tuned in years. Because we are not planning on becoming pianists and with my mom’s blessing - I decided to go to it.


Chalk paint supposedly requires very little sanding. So I decided to just give it a good wipe down & go for it. I did not use a special brush. I found Chalkpaint at Home Depot because I really wanted to move forward quickly on my process. I also did not seal it because I want to possibly paint it another color in the future.

Products Used

how to paint an old piano / onedelightfulcreative.com #piano #chalkpaint

2018 holiday gift guide

Here is our 2018 holiday gift guide!

To get the links - just click the download link above for a pdf with links.

Our podcast this week explains of our favorites.